Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It wasn't until a few years ago that I really started enjoying New Year celebrations. Prior to that, I had spent the holiday with too many expectations and a lot of desperation. But then I grew closer with a group of friends who get me, and we now spend the evening drinking too much and dancing too weird (not so much now that we all have kids) and reunite the next morning to eat, drink and watch bowl games. Also, being pretty content with my life makes the end of each year less of a tragic retrospective and more of a reflection on everything I have to be thankful for. And I get to make lists of goals and track my progress and get very excited about organizing everything. Here is a preliminary list of my goals and hopes for 2014, in no particular order.

  • No more eating in bed. I have decided that no matter how easy it is, it's just gross.
  • Travel outside the United States.
  • Sit my family down for dinner together once a week.
  • Continue aggressively paying down debt and adding to our emergency fund.
  • Find our forever state/city/town.
  • Be a better sister.
  • Give my time to those in need.
  • Continue to purge the useless crap from our home and waste less.
  • Take E to swimming lessons.
  • Take L to dinner and a movie once a month.
  • Learn how to use a camera that isn't an iPhone.
  • Break up with the Chemex. (I think I already completed this one -- I bought a Bialetti yesterday!)
This all seems doable in 365 days, right? Good.

Now, I'd like to share a few charities that I feel do really important work and to which I donate regularly. It sucks getting the short end of the stick and making a donation might just give someone a fresh start in 2014.

PAWS: Pets Are Wonderful Support

Here's to a great 2014!


  1. Sarah you are an amazing woman! I am so honored that you are family. -meghan

  2. This was the best thing to wake up to! Thanks, Meghan. You're not too shabby yourself (what with those three adorable and crazy girls of you've got). xoxo Sarah
