Fresh Start

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Russian River
Image credit: Poem Sweet Poem

For the next 40 days, I'm making an effort to be more mindful, more quiet and less distracted. I'm giving up Facebook and Instagram so that I can spend more time in the present. I'm going to really, really try to be more forgiving. And I am going to find joy in simple things like an afternoon in the park or laughing at Elliott's incoherent babbling with Lane for five minutes before I run off to work.

I see Lent not as a period of deprivation or extreme sacrifice, but of re-centering and proactive thought. It's a time to give one's self space for mindfulness and reflection. To that end, I will be getting in 20 minutes of yoga practice everyday, because I know that no matter how tired, cranky or slovenly I am, I always feel fucking amazing after just a little bit of stretching.


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