Mission: Nursery

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Things were starting to get a little glum around here as I was struggling trying to everything all the time, so I took a little break. It just felt like I was complaining and I had a couple weeks where there just weren't positive things to report. To sum it all up: I had a lot of tests done, one night in Labor & Delivery, one echocardiogram and I peed into a jug for 24 hours for science. Baby's fine. I'm fine. I'm on maternity leave and FINALLY getting some rest and starting to feel like a person again.

And now on to greener pastures.

The nursery is done except for three things: getting rid of a superfluous bookcase (my mom thinks there is no such thing), framing and hanging some prints and getting a cozy rug. We got out this weekend and scoured Valencia Street for the perfect dresser/changing table. After finding nothing within our budget that was functional, I checked Google Maps just to make sure we weren't missing any stores and found Apartment. We've both walked by the place a million times and only noticed that it was a store with a bright yellow paint job. As it always goes, we found the perfect thing just as we were about to give up. The two lovely men running the place were amazingly helpful and offered to hold it till the end of business, even though they don't usually do so. I mean, it was pretty obvious we were going to buy it and there were two other pregnant couples circling the store. But we took an hour and had lunch across Valencia at Farina and decided for sure that we wanted it. We went back, apologized for being such pigs and taking so long to eat and bought the dresser. Even with same-day delivery, we came in under budget! And it's gorgeous!

The finish is a little busted and there are scrapes and gouges, but it has character and it's not from goddamn Ikea. So basically, it's perfect. We washed all the baby clothes and organized our gigantic onesie collection by size in the three drawers in the middle in an effort to make life a little easier.

All (three!) of our bags are packed for the hospital and we're just waiting for the little one to make its debut. I made a little crescent moon pillow for baby (I'll share how in another post) and a welcome garland out of left over gold cardstock circles from our wedding. We're keeping the apartment as clean as possible, taking care of things like repairs, donations (all books, hence the useless bookcase) and organizing everything we aren't giving or throwing away. I haven't tackled any major projects after re-caulking our shower and tub last week, but I did "accidentally" scrub out the oven two nights ago and started to clean our filthy windowsills this morning. I gave up on the windowsills -- they're beyond cleaning and need a full-blown stripping, sanding, primering and re-painting and that I just cannot commit to. Oh well.

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