Life with Elliott

Monday, May 13, 2013

Elliott Lyon Hebard Milburn arrived on March 6, 2013 at 11:17 a.m. He weighed eight pounds, 15 ounces and was 22 inches long. His birth was nothing close to what we were prepared for:  I was induced at 42w1d; it didn't work; my body was impervious to epidural and any other pain killer cocktails the anesthesiologist came up with; and I had an unplanned c-section three days after I was admitted for the induction. It was mildly traumatic and we ended up staying in the hospital for an entire week, but it was totally worth it. So, so worth it.

The first two weeks at home were a blur of nursing, swaddling, bouncing and shushing. The first time we went out as a family of three, for a short walk to La Boulange, Lane and I nearly killed each other with glares and sniping comments. We made a point of getting out of the house once a day, if only for a quick walk around the Panhandle or to the Conservatory of Flowers. This was great for my recovery and it helped us get comfortable with being out and about with an infant.

Lane went back to work around week five. The first week alone all day with Elliott was really tough and I would text Lane every afternoon and tell him to come home as soon as he could get away because Jesus shit, I couldn't take the crying anymore. As Elliott began to hit some pretty exciting milestones, like smiling and babbling, our days together began to seem shorter. Since then, we go out for long walks now that I am finally strong enough to carry the stroller up and down our stairs. We have long, goofy chats while changing his diaper and I read to him from whatever I happen to be reading. On the weekends, Lane takes over the diaper changes and the soothing duties and I get a little break. Sundays are for walking to the Inner Sunset farmers' market and brunch at Park Chow or Nopalito. Elliott is a total gem and we've never had to leave a restaurant or cut our outings short to get him home and comfortable.

Sleeping is so easy for this guy. While he has managed to sleep through the night a handful of times, he usually wakes up twice a night to nurse, falling right back asleep on his own. We were both pretty wary of bringing him into the bed with us at first and we kept him in our co-sleeper all night. I got more comfortable with him dozing off next to me after nighttime feeds and now he starts out in our bed, only going into the co-sleeper when we need to stretch out. Waking up next to a smiling, farting baby every morning is a fantastic way to start the day. Ted has been a little unwilling to give up his customary spot between us in bed and I've woken up to him attempting to sit on top of Elliott in an effort to regain his domain. Despite his issues with the usurpation of his snuggle spot, Ted dotes on Elliott. He will nap next to him and even licks his hair in an attempt to groom him.

The first nine weeks were one giant baby party with a lot of puking, crying and napping in awkward positions. I go back to work tomorrow, which is both exciting and terrifying. There will certainly be more crying (maybe a little puking) on my part, but Elliott is in great hands and I get to put on my grown up clothes and read on the bus again.

Elliott's onesie is repping Faye's Video, a coffee shop/video store across the street from Delfina.

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