15 Months

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Elliott went in for his 15-month appointment on Monday and he is doing great! He weighs 21.79 pounds (34th percentile) and is 30.32" tall (18th percentile). He's still on the small side, but is on a completely normal and healthy growth curve. Oh, and he's in the 96th percentile for head size, which should surprise absolutely no one. E also gets to make his first trip to the dentist. Our pediatrician recommended a practice she takes her daughter to that has small dogs that hang out with the kids while they get their exams done. I think Lane and I will be asking if they take adult patients.

Our pediatrician is not at all concerned that Elliott is not walking yet. She watched him walk around the exam room while holding on to my fingers and noticed that his gait is normal, his balance is good and he's not holding onto me for dear life. He has the physical ability, he's just not ready to take off on two legs yet. I got him a new pair of shoes for toddlers to replace his soft-soled baby shoes and so we walked home from the bus stop yesterday. He held my hand and used his other hand to balance most of the way, instead of toddling along while holding both of my hands. It took us about half an hour to walk five blocks, but he had a blast. We took a couple detours into the grass on our path through the Panhandle and once we got onto our block, he climbed up every set of stairs that I let him (I was getting hungry). For a kid who likes to be held, he was not pleased the two times I tried to scoop him up to move our progress along. Dude just wants to walk. 

Here's a crappy little video I took of our walk. It was really windy.

Walking from Elliott Milburn on Vimeo.

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