Weight Watchers Report 2

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Ugh, this week was not the best. I basically forgot all the good habits I learned and fell into a giant bag of marshmallows. I didn't even enjoy all the junk I was eating! But, I was tired and fighting off a summer sinus cold, so I gave in to some cravings. There were no binges and I did manage to lose again this week, so yay.

On to the stats:
Starting Weight: 170
Current Weight: 162.8
Goal Weight:  125

Down almost a pound again this week, which I'm not disappointed about. I've steadily been losing a pound a week since I went off hormonal birth control, so I think the combination of this and Weight Watchers is giving my body a chance to reset and re-calibrate.

I added a little more activity this week, in the form of intense cleaning, wrestling with the steam vacuum, and doing the Nerd Fitness Beginner's Body Weight Workout three times. My knees popped and clicked with each squat and I can barely do a push-up on my knees (I refuse to call them "girl push-ups"), but I did it and separate three times no less! I tried to track the individual exercises in the WW app, but three minutes of squats is a whopping ZERO POINTS, so I just entered the workout as 15 minutes of circuit training with moderate aerobic effort for three points.

Yesterday was not so great on the eating front, so I'm starting over today. I may have had more than a few mini brownies and several handfuls of those goddamn marshmallows and then wine and Cambozola cheese to celebrate our anniversary, but I'm turning it around today and I'm attempting to listen to what my body needs and not what my brain craves.

Here's what I'm eating today:

Breakfast: 1PP
0% plain Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup Fiber One cereal, honey and cinnamon
Coffee with whole milk

Lunch: 5PP
Homemade quinoa fritters with spinach, corn and carrots
Mixed greens

Snack: 1PP
Light whole wheat English muffin with Laughing Cow garlic and herb cheese
Peppermint green tea

Dinner: 0PP
Two poached eggs
Mixed greens
Tuna with olive oil

Lunch, like last week, is a little high on points. I'm trying to use what we have in the pantry before we move so we don't waste a bunch of food -- I bought too much ricotta last week, so I mixed some in to the fritter batch. I usually don't put cheese in these, but that tub of ricotta was just sitting there and I certainly wasn't going to take Lane's suggestion and make a cheesecake out of it.

I had a little non-scale victory this morning: We took Elliott to the dentist for the first time and it went shockingly well. He let the hygienist and the dentist do everything they needed to do without a scream or a tear. So naturally, I felt that I was entitled to a reward, in the form of one of those giant frosted cinnamon rolls from Specialty's. I was able to walk right on by the storefront and not buy a giant sugar bomb that is probably worth an entire week's points AND I didn't walk into the next bakery/Starbucks/Walgreens for a treat. In fact, I walked straight to my office without buying anything, not even a coffee, to reward myself/celebrate a successful toddler dental appointment. Now I'm off to warm up my quinoa fritters for lunch.

I'll post the fritter recipe tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading people's fitness journeys! I've only recently started a daily exercise regime (motivated by a trip to Grand Cayman in November) but because the scale in our house is out of batteries, I've been relying on the fit of my clothes to tell me if I've shed any pounds.

    It's always super motivating to read about other people's progress and successes!
