I'm Back! Or, We Got Married and Now We're Having a Baby

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How's that for an informational headline! I'll break it down for you:

1. On September 8, 2012, Lane and I got married in the soggy grass in Duboce Park while simultaneously crashing a neighborhood swap meet. Lane's uncle officiated and gave the most heartfelt and wise speech I have ever heard about love and the vows he composed were amazing. Everyone walked through the Lower Haight to Uva Enoteca for a brunch reception that was gorgeous. I don't really remember much other than trying to remember to stand up straight and the two minutes total I actually got to spend with Lane, which was primarily dominated by cake cutting and eating under duress. You people aren't shy about demanding a show! Most of my cousins and aunts and uncles were there, which is great because now that "the kids" are all grown up, we're rarely all in the same place at once. My dear Granny couldn't make it, not that she didn't want to. She's on some medications that need some more tweaking and just doesn't feel confident straying too far from her home. I wore her mother's pearl necklace and her pearl earrings, along with Lane's grandmothers pearls. They looked great together and it was very special to have Granny there in some tiny way. I was incredibly overwhelmed by the time it was all over, so we gathered our things, paid our bill and took a cab ten blocks up the street and promptly fell asleep. The next day, we had a late brunch, just the two of us, at Bar Agricole and then ran errands to gather all the necessaries and sundries for our Kona honeymoon. On Monday, we flew to Kona and proceeded to spend the next six days lounging alternately on the beach, at the pool, in the pool and on our private lanai. We went snorkeling once and I saw two sea turtles. There were no severe sunburns. We're still floating around and smiling all the time and I am kind of obsessed with staring at and playing with my thin gold wedding band. Being a newlywed is the best.

2. The other part: We're having a baby! Surprise! No literally, it was a surprise. I am now a member of the 1%...of women who get pregnant while on The Pill. Thanks, science. But in all seriousness, we could not be happier and are totally pleased that our family timeline has just been bumped up a little bit. We found out in mid-June and will be welcoming our new human sometime around February 18. The first trimester was hard -- I was exhausted, emotional and sick -- to the extent that I had to change my work schedule around so that I wouldn't have to deal with passing out on a packed N-Judah. Once I hit 13 weeks, things started to feel a lot better. My brain defrosted, I could eat like a normal person again and I wasn't in constant need of a fainting couch. I was basically a swooning hysteric circa 1908 for 12 weeks. Everything is super great, but I have been having some heart palpitations/arrhythmia, so I have to wear a heart monitor for a day, just as a precaution in case there is anything outside of the normal heart-pumping-twice-as-much-blood fatigue going on. I'm currently 19w1d and each day I get more and more excited to meet this baby and watch him or her grow up and turn into a really cool person. We're holding off on determining the sex until the little one decides to come out. I will now be adding one more category to the navigation bar: Baby!

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